Tukimies Brandon Wellington korvaa Aaron Bryantin
Porvoon Butchers on solminut sopimuksen Brandon Wellingtonin (LB) kanssa. Brandon korvaa Aaron Bryantin, joka sai polvivamman toisessa pelaamassaan ottelussa ja olisi vaatinut pidemmän huilin. Butchers haluaakin kiittää Aaronia panoksestaan kentällä ja sen ulkopuolella ja toivottaa kaikkea hyvää tulevaisuuteen!
Wellington liittyy joukkueen vahvuuteen ensi viikolla ja pelaa ensimmäisen ottelunsa Roostersia vastaan.
Washingtonin yliopiston (FBS 1-A) käynyt tukimies on esiintynyt edukseen kentällä. 48 ottelussa syntyi 118 taklausta, 4,5 taklausta aloituslinjan takana ja 2 poimittua rähmättyä palloa, joista molemmat päätyivät maalisuorituksiin miehen toimesta.
Yliopistouran jälkeen v. 2020 Indianapolis Colts (NFL) teki 3-vuotisen sopimuksen Brandonin kanssa hänen jäätyään varaamattomaksi pelaajaksi. Hän ei kuitenkaan päässyt murtautumaan lopulliseen 55 pelaajan rosteriin.
How long have you played football and where?
I’ve played football for 14 years. Starting in little league at the age of 7 for the Burien Bearcats then transitioning into high school at Eastside catholic in Sammamish Washington followed by Playing at the University of Washington and most recently with the Indianapolis colts.
How would you describe yourself as a football player?
I would describe my play style as unique. I am not the biggest but not the smallest but I play with a ton of passion and intensity. I have the athletic ability and instincts to play a wide range of positions with the same amount of dedication poured into each one. I try to mimic the play style of the honey badger , Tyrann Mathieu , when he was at LSU and be the miss match that the offense has to game plan for.
What are your expectations for this season here in Finland?
My expectations for this season is to win. Find a way to add to this already winning team and help keep that ball rolling with the intentions of bringing the trophy back to porvoo
Did you know anything about Finnish football before?
I did not and really still don’t know much about Finnish football but am excited to learn more about it as the days and weeks go on
Word to the Butchers fans?
Im thankful for the opportunity that has Been provided and I am anxious to get to work! I can’t wait to get to know you guys and feed off of your energy at the games! Let’s get to work!